Blended mobility – DTRaIN project – Design Thinking for the Agri-food sector
Nine persons from four European countries, who had previously attended the DTRaIN online course and engaged in the development of “Design Challenges” in their countries, attended a training learning mobility in Berlin, organized by LDI UG. Five more persons, Design thinking facilitators mainly, attended the event remotely.
The training event had the form of an interactive workshop and was facilitated by three Design Thinking facilitators, two from ECTE (Greece) and MAICH (Greece), one from LDI UG (Germany), and SQLearn (GREECE). The facilitators guided the participants through peer learning training, to validate the DT challenges and draft a scenario for each ‘DT Challenge” that had already been developed. The training activity follows specific steps covering the topics: – Introduction to DTRaIN training. – Presentation and analysis of the four developed Design Thinking Challenges – Validation of the DT Challenges – “Define the opportunity” -Observation -Identify the people -The mood graph -Logistics -From Data to Insight -Themes -Digging into the themes -Spot opportunities -Conclusion. – Drafting the scenario for the storyboard of the Serious Games.
The training introduced the participants to the concepts and tools behind design thinking and took them through the steps needed to follow for applying the design process as a Challenge in the real market of the agro-food sector. The participants in their turn presented the four challenges, one per partner country, analyzed the methodology followed, and discussed the specific aspects of their work. The scenarios were developed under the perspective of being directly linked to the DT challenge developed with the main objective of interactivity to increase the learners’ motivation and ability to recall and retain the already owned knowledge after attending the DTRaIN course.
DTRaIN – Design Thinking for Entrepreneurship in Agri-food Sector – Code: 2019-1-EL01-KA202-062997
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