Making Science Attractive
Science Education forms the basis for the full achievement of the Innovation Union and the European Research Area. Europe needs a skilled population, competent in science, technology, engineering and mathematics – the so-called STEM subjects.
According to Strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training (ET 2020), the strategic objective of the EU is to raise the levels of basic skills such as literacy and numeracy and to make mathematics, science and technology more attractive.
The objective of the seminar is the s the raising of specific competencies needed by teachers to fulfil the scope of making, teaching Science and Technology more attractive and at the same time fostering entrepreneurial mentality according to the real market needs, preparing students for the future with the skills that are needed for today and tomorrow.
Teachers during their training experience are expected to improve their competences among others towards the way to use new innovative methods and techniques of teaching in Science Education, new curriculum contents in science teaching, to empower the learners, how to be team learners, to use techniques of empowerment and relationships management.
A “Europass” certificate is provided after the completion of the training.
interactive sessions with peers from private and public institutes and schools
Teachers in Primary and secondary education
“Science Labs” zero gravity, meteorites, robotics, sismology
New, innovative projects
See the newly developed innovative projects created by LDI and stay current and competitive.